Build Process Offerings
"We are in this together and believe that choosing the right partners is crucial for success. That's why we carefully select who we work with, ensuring that our values and goals align. We strive to build long-lasting relationships with our partners, based on trust, transparency, and mutual benefit."
Don't Ask for Cheap...
Our Design - Build process is good for clients that are ready to make the leap into the project starting with a Design Contract which is a portion of the whole Design-Build process that encompasses Final Blueprints ready for permit. We then price out those fully complete drawings and sign a Construction Contract for the remainder of the project!
You are responsible for the initial design of your look and performance of the project and good understanding of the level of investment needed and willing to disclose financial information needed. We will take your initial designs and budget to help you formulate your final plans. Clients choosing this Process Offering know what they want, have the means to get it, and are ok with budget changes needing to be made after Final Plans are priced with their preferences.
Schedule/Payment plan:
1: Initial Meeting - Approx = 1hr. We like to know your goals for the project. What is MOST important, why are you doing this, what is it for, who will use it, what projects have you done before, who are your references of past contractors that have worked with you, how much are you willing to invest, and what is your timeline.
2: Design Contract - If after our initial meeting we find that we will have a good working relationship, a initial Retainer of 5% of project estimated* will be required for us to establish a starting point for your project and show you options you may like based on our initial meeting. This is non refundable and will be used to accumulate the costs to start designing the project according to the intial plans presented to us. Designing and Costing rate is minimum $85/hr and will be billed against initial retainer balance unless otherwise specified. If project needs more time to design and cost than initial retainer, further services will be invoiced to homeowner at that rate. This allows homeowner to have the flexibility to adjust project attributes to scale costs up or down once they see the total project cost. Though some time and money surprises (especially with nature) are unavoidable, we don't like surprises and plan to avoid them.
*Initial Project Estimation is only a guess, actual costs calculated later.
3: Design Phase - Once we have initial ideas, we will provide initial designs to help you envision how your "baby will look like as an adult." This includes Initial Floor-plans up to revised Preliminary Floor-plans with all exterior 2D elevations. 3D renditions can be priced in for clients to see and virtually walk through an example of their project. Depending on the project, specialized professionals may be hired and added to costs to aid in design. Some homeowners need a year or more in this stage, others less. Efforts will be made to begin with your end in mind. This is NOT where final project costs are established. Don't worry! We will not proceed with construction until Plans are finalized. This stage takes a long time if even the little things change. Small changes may create a domino effect for many other items to be changed or modified. Understanding this now will ease the anxiety for many clients' first time projects. But don't worry! This is the stage that avoids scenarios where a homeowner tells their builder "just do this little extra, just add this over there, or make it a little bigger" and then gets the unexpected bill for "Extras" at the end. This stage ends with payments to proceed to finals.
4: Build Contract - Pricing Finals - We have the game plan set in stone. Now lets Price everything out. We are essentially taking things you put in your shopping cart and adding them up for you. This contract involves all the calculated payments due that are necessary to price Final Designs, be put on production schedules, and down payments for subcontractors and suppliers. Small changes may create a domino effect for many other items to be changed or modified. Clients choosing this Process Offer understand that changes to plans after pricing your final plans will present change orders for price and practice to accommodate for your improvements. The goal of this stage is to match dollars with ideas, not the other way around. This stage ends with starting to compile the professionals capable of bringing your plans to life.
5: Planning and Assembling the team - Some of this is done during the last few stages but now that price is agreed upon, we will finalize all qualified subcontractors that can and will assist us in the completion of your project. Some additional subcontracts or suppliers may require down-payments at this point if they are new on the scene or finally nailed down. This Process may take a lot of time for projects depending on the complexity, proximity, or timeframe of the project. If you want the best, you have to work in the balance so the next stage goes as smooth as possible...
6: Construction - How long is it going to take to complete my project? Great question! Ironically, the client actually decides that for us. As the sign near the top of this page indicates, you can pick two of the three options. If you want it fast and good, costs will be higher to bring more quality people in and persuade them to prioritize your project. Demanding fast and good work while complaining about every penny is a proven way to diminish relationships, deteriorate quality of work, and in many cases cost you more in the end. This guide was created to further educate clients on "what's down the road, just beyond the headlights" so they can ENJOY the process. You are an expert at your profession. You don't need to be an expert at this. We have you covered.
6: Complete - We are done! Here it is! We have completed our final punch-list and are ready to hand you "the keys." A certificate of occupancy is awarded. How do you want the big reveal? How exciting!